About Me

I'm Gareth and I'm a university undergraduate studying BSc Computer Science.

I speak fluent English and Mandarin Chinese.

I like to explore something new that piques my interest. On the side, I mainly draw anime art and create music ranging from cinematic, JP rock, rap etc and occasionally post snippets of them on YouTube. As for drawing, I post my finished products on PIXIV, a platform for many various artists

  • Developer Skills
    I started programming with Python when I was 16 years old. I learnt it during computer science class and in time, I decided to explore the rabbit hole of Python.
  • Web Development
    I decided to learn web development as it caught my interest. After being confident with my skills of intermediate HTML,CSS and Javascript, I helped my friend to build a website for his startup.
  • Game Creation
    I also had interest in creating games. Therefore, I decided to learn how to make games on Unity and make an interactive visual novel on RenPy from YouTube.
  • Analytical Skill
    With my obsession of the game football manager, I decided to use Python with some data science concepts to analyse the attributes of players to help pick which players are the best to play or has the potential in that specific position.
  • 2022 (Jan - Mar)
    Internship at HELP International School's EdTech department
  • 2016-2023
    HELP International School: IGCSE and A-Levels
  • 2023 - Current
    University of Exeter: BSc Computer Science



Below are the languages that I have learnt:



Below are the libraries that I have learnt:


Tools Used

Below are the tools that I have used:

Visual Studio Code

My Work

Links are not working yet.

ATLAS Frontend website

This is a website prepared for my friend's startup. It is now abandoned.

KNK Visual Novel

This is a fanmade visual novel for chapter 1 of The Garden of Sinners made in RenPy. It is not released as to avoid copyright issues.

Ball Game

A simple ball game where you have to roll it to the finish line.

Python AI

This is an AI made from Python using various modules such as pyttsx3, speech recognition, stmplib and more to perform various task.

Expense Tracking Algorithm

A Python algorithm used for tracking how much money is spent and shows how much of your budget you have left for a day.

See More

Contact Me

Email: gkzygarethkoh11@gmail.com

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